11.16.20 – Colin McKenzie of Mckenzie’s Barbeque & Burgers

We welcome Colin McKenzie of the McKenzie’s Barbeque & Burgers Conroe family to the show. Colin is a second-generation family member who shares the story of how a family business works to the advantage of the owners as well as customers and employees.

Join us for this insightful “Conversation with a Business Owner” as we explore the advantages and disadvantages of operating a family-owned business.

Rick will also offer his 1BestConsult Tip of Week: “Why You Need an Expert to Help You?”

McKenzie Barbecue Online: https://www.mckenziesbarbeque.com/

McKenzie Barbecue on Facebook:


Today’s show is sponsored by http://1bestconsult.com/


Check out past shows: http://1bestconsult.com/twbh/

Contact Rick: rick@irlonestar.com



Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT64czw-V6eExnQbYK-Ff7A

Show Website: https://irlonestar.com/twbh

This show is owned and produced by Lone Star Community Radio. For more information on sponsorships and other shows, please visit them online at https://irlonestar.com

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