Diane DeLuca and Mo Hineline with Juice Plus share their own personal experiences in starting a business as independent representatives. They discuss why not having a store front is an advantage as well as the challenges to being an independent rep.
Lisa McElroy with Alegre HR joined us once again in the Expert Corner to talk about human resources. Lisa shares her expertise on the cost of making a bad hire. She also explains how a bad hire can literally drive off your best performers.
Rick offers his Silver Fox Advisor Tip of the Week, “To Outsource or Not To Outsource- that is today’s question” Every business should look at outsourcing at least once during the life time of the business. Small businesses in particular have the opportunity through the outsourcing of certain functions, such as accounting, to reduce their cost and maintain their focus on other key areas of the business.
Juice Plus+ Online: http://moniquehineline.juiceplus.com/us/en
Juice Plus+ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juiceplus.us/?brand_redir=588835084556312
Juice Plus+ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/juiceplus
Juice Plus+ on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialJuicePlus
Lisa McElroy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlegreHRAdvisors/?ref=bookmarks
Lisa McElroy Online: http://www.alegrehr.com/
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