09.18.17 TWBH with Bob Sievert


Bob Sievert the owner of First Tier Modern Marketing joins us in the “Business Owner” segment to talk about digital marketing. Bob created his company in an effort to help businesses recognize and utilize the marketing channels of the current digital age.

In the “Ideas You Can Use” segment, Rick offers some statistics which should be important to every business owner. First, he discusses the question, is your small business covered by the right amount of insurance? Second, he looks into what the Small Business Administration has discovered about small businesses and their impact on the economy.

Rick closes the show with his personal take on how getting an outside perspective of your business can help you as a business owner find the success that you are looking for. His Silver Fox Tip of the Week, “Look outside for the Perspective Your Business Needs?” offers several steps on how a business owner can pump new blood into their business.

You can find podcast of the show at The Weekly Business Hour page on www.irlonestar.com or on our Facebook page, The Weekly Business Hour: https://www.facebook.com/theweeklybusinesshour The podcast is also available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT64czw-V6eExnQbYK-Ff7A as well as ITunes and other podcast sites located throughout the internet.

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