January 19, 2025

Lone Star Community Radio is here to serve the community of Montgomery County by producing local content for radio and television. We do this through donations and sponsorships! Below are sponsors of Lone Star Community Radio! Thank you, Sponsors!

Thank you to our STUDIO SPONSORS

If you are interested in becoming a studio sponsor, contact us at lscrstudios@gmail.com or call the station message line at 936-666-1084.

Some of our shows are available for sponsorship and donation! Below are the current sponsors for programs and we THANK YOU! To sponsor a program, email the studio at lscrstudios@gmail.com. If you would like to donate to a specific program, click the donate button next to the show name!

Conroe Culture News with Margie TaylorDonate to CCN

Thank you to Conroe Culture News Sponsors!

Voces En Accion/Voices In ActionDonate to VEA

Thank you to the sponsors of Voices In Action

The Weekly Business HourDonate to TWBH

The Cindy Cochran ShowDonate to TCCS

Thank you to The Cindy Cochran Show Sposnors!

Texas TicketDonate to TT

Veterans AirDonate to VA

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