05.15.17 – The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler – Lisa McElroy
Lisa McElroy the owner of Alegre (which in Spanish means “Joyous”) HR joins us to talk about everything HR for small business. Lisa also shares her secrets on running a world-wide virtual company.
Dick Schissler, General Manager of Lone Star Community Radio chimed in on the show expansion at Lone Star in his update on the business here at Lone Star.
In the “Ideas You Can Use” segment, Rick offers advice on how a LinkedIn account can work for you and your business. He also offers a different definition for success developed by Al Spinks, a Silver Fox Advisor. Al has written a great article entitled, “Real Success” which challenges all of us business types to rethink our view of success. You can find the entire article at www.silverfox.org website under the newsletter tab, May newsletter.
Rick closes the show with his personal take on how a business owner can ensure that they are hitting the correct notes with their employees when it comes to personal motivation. His Silver Fox Tip of the Week, “What Motivates Your Employees?” offers several easy to learn and apply ways to motivate your employees to raise their productivity.