03.06.17 Stacy Harris & John Matin -The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
Investing In Your Business
This week on The Weekly Business Hour our special business guest was Stacy Harris networker extraordinaire and the owner of the NIA Woodlands Business Connection group. NIA is a professional networking group with franchises located around the Greater Houston area as well as other states. Stacy explained what professional networking is and how it could benefit you and your business.
John Martin with Thrivent Financial, also joined us in the “Expert Corner” via phone, to talk about what financial investment options for business owners.
Dick Schissler, General Manager of Lone Star Community Radio, joined in to update us on the business here at Lone Star.
Rick closed the show with his Silver Fox Advisor Tip of the Week: “Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words, so You Need to Hold Yourself Accountable.”