12.5.22 – Local Businesses- MW Beauty Bar and Frequency Diva – Conroe Culture News

12.5.22 – Local Businesses- MW Beauty Bar and Frequency Diva – Conroe Culture News

New businesses in the community to serve your fitness and health needs!

Learn about the AO Scan with Rita Dickinson with Frequency Diva and then dress the part for workouts and comfort with Missy Wilkerson and MW Beauty Bar.

Segment 1:

Rita Dickinson is the business owner of Frequency Diva-The AO Scan digital body analyzer uses biofeedback that detects and makes subtle changes in your body, such as relaxing certain muscles, to achieve the results you want, such as reducing pain.



Segment 2:

M W Beauty Bar is the concept of Missy Wilkerson of Montgomery- a one-stop-shop for everything a girl could want from jewelry and fashion to beauty




Today’s show is sponsored by Rodger Stein Chiropractic: https://rodgerssteinchiropractic.com/

Team Sinisi Real Estate Group



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Contact Margie: margie@taylorizedpr.com


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This episode of Conroe Culture News is Sponsored by:

Email Margie: Margie@taylorizedpr.com
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This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit irlonestar.com/ for more information.

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