1.15.18 – Wine/Fire in the Country and TEACH 2 Change!

Upcoming events in Greater Conroe Area

Listen to the show below! Don’t forget to subscribe to Conroe Culture’s Podcast on iTunes and Google Play!

TEACH-Transforming Education and Changing History is a grassroots non profit with a goal to transform the culture of education to equip students with the tools necessary to contribute to a global society. Upcoming fundraiser to supplement scholarships will be January 28 at Bareback Icehouse

The Givers Republic is a newly formed networking organization that meets twice weekly (morning for coffee or evenings for beer) to engage business relationships. God First, Family Second, Work Third, and Networking Fourth- with a goal of leveraging resources to help each other. Meet the community at the Wine and Fire in the Country on Saturday, Jan. 20 from 4:30-10pm at “A Place of Grace” in Plantersville.

This episode is sponsored by Kristen Bays For Judge, 284 District Court. More information on Kristen and her platform, visit www.facebook.com/kristinbaysforjudge/

 This show is sponsored by

Kirsten Bays For Judge, 284th District Court

Share your news, updates, and events with us at info@taylorizedpr.com

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