1.20.20 – Conroe Culture News – LIVE on Lone Star Community Radio
** Nick’s Local Eats and TX BBQ, Burgers & Brew with Nick Rama
** Chris ODonnell from Craft Grill
** Juan Garcia of Nona’s Italian Grill .
We will be talking about all things food, burgers, brunch, the year end best of lists and the Taste of the Town 2020 wrap up.
Today’s show is sponsored by Rodger Stein Chiropractic: https://rodgerssteinchiropractic.com/
Check out past shows:https://irlonestar.com/conroeculture
Contact Margie: margie@taylorizedpr.com
This show is owned and produced by Lone Star Community Radio. For more information on sponsorships and other shows, please visit them online at https://irlonestar.com