6.4.18 – Summer Projects-Tamina Cemetery, The Library, and Inspiration Ranch – Conroe Culture
Devery Johnson, Outreach Coordinator for the Montgomery County Library, gave examples of the many FREE opportunities at the library now this summer and throughout the year for all ages to keep them educated and enthusiastic. countylibrary.org/summer.htm www.facebook.com/mcmlsTX/
Sheila Greaver, VP of Development and Communications for Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch, spoke about their upcoming wine tasting, their September Denim and Diamonds Gala, and their mission of partnering horses with people to help them reach their highest ability by breaking down barriers of individuals with physical, emotional, and social disabilities. Always need volunteers! www.facebook.com/pg/InspirationRanch/ www.pciranch.org/
A community event to raise money towards restoring the Tamina Sweet Rest Cemetery that is currently underwater and unable to access will be Saturday, June 30th at the Tamina Community Park. Sweet Rest Cemetery was established in the 1870s. Former slaves, Native Americans and veterans are buried there. As many as 200 graves may be submerged in the marsh.