5.22.17 – CHS Tiger Football Boosters, Cooling Off, and Watch Your Back! – Conroe Culture
CHS Tiger Football Boosters, Cooling Off, and Watch Your Back!
Dawson Schanutz, president of the CHS Tiger Football Booster Club shared information about their 2017 Conroe Tigers Classic on June 5th at Panorama Golf Club. Get connected to sponsorship, playing as an individual or a team, and making a donation by emailing ConroeFootballBoosters1@gmail.com or by checking out their Facebook page.
Clyde Tauriainen, founder of Easco Air Conditioning gave listeners pointers on choosing a certified repairman, best ways to cool your home, and maintenance tips. Contact Easco Air for Comfort Solutions at their website or Facebook page. http://www.eascoair.com/
Dr. Stacey Rodgers and Dr. Brian McGee provided information about taking care of your back and nervous system with holistic, chiropractic care. The Cox Technic is a proven holistic approach to spinal manipulation without surgery. Find out more on their website.