8.20.18 – Congressman Kevin Brady & “Baby Boomers are Ready to Sell – Are They Ready?”

In this episode of The Weekly Business Hour we welcomed Kevin Brady, Congressman from the 8th District of Texas; Congressman Brady currently serves as Chairman of the House Ways & Means committee, as our special guest.

Chairman Brady updated our listeners on the impact to date on the Tax Credits and Jobs Act. He will also layout Tax Reform 2.0 and its goals in helping individuals as well as small businesses. Listen and find out what these historical changes in the tax code mean for you, your business and your family.

In our “Did You Know” segment we talked “Baby Boomers are Ready to Sell – Are They Ready?” Baby Boomers are reaching retirement age in record numbers which means thousands of small businesses will be up for sale over the next several years. Are these business owners ready to sell their businesses and are they prepared so as to maximize their return? Listen to get a roadmap on how you, if you are in this group, should be preparing yourself to sell your business.

We closed the show with Rick’s 1bestconsult Tip of the Week “Who Needs Your Plan?” There is that ‘P’ word again, planning which is the bane of many small businesses. Want to learn how to get your employees on the same page and close out the year with a bang! Then listen as we talk about the owner as the ‘planner’ and the employees as the implementers.

Kevin Brady Online: kevinbrady.house.gov/
Kevin Brady on Facebook: www.facebook.com/kevinbrady

1bestconsult Online: 1bestconsult.com/
1bestconsult on Facebook: www.facebook.com/1bestconsult/

Email Rick: rick@irlonestar.com
Find TWBH on facebook: www.facebook.com/theweeklybusinesshour/
Visit Rick online: 1bestconsult.com/

This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit irlonestar.com/ for more information.

The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
8.20.18 - Congressman Kevin Brady & "Baby Boomers are Ready to Sell – Are They Ready?”