7.16.19 – Hispanic Chamber Connection

This show is sponsored by Amell Insurance Agency : http://www.amellagency.com/
SPONSOR THE SHOW: https://irlonestar.com/sponsorhcc
Hispanic Chamber Connection – Tuesdays at 2pm
The Hispanic Chamber Connection Radio program is about connecting people of different backgrounds. From the Chamber Event Announcements, Spotlight Member Interviews, and Cultural Business Nuance, The Hispanic Chamber Connection brings listeners closer together by educating and entertaining each segment of the population. Be sure to tune in Tuesdays from 1:00-2:00PM as Dr. Carlos Sanchez brings you closer to your business community.
FAECBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/WoodlandsConroeHispanicChamber/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtEw1CldVcXIil8pBo-9sqA
ONLINE: https://www.twchcc.org/
This podcast was produced by Dick Schissler & Woodlands/Conroe Hispanic Chamber
Lone Star Community Radio ©2017

Hispanic Chamber Connection
Hispanic Chamber Connection
7.16.19 - Hispanic Chamber Connection