4.24.18 – Flicking Off Justice – Mornings with With lone Star

It’s Day 2 of Dick and Skippy’s live broadcast on our video channel. Speaking of videos, did you hear about the guy who kept giving the finger to a speed camera until the courts decided to give him the finger back? Tune in to learn more!

This episode of Mornings with Lone Star is sponsored by
Conroe Coffee: www.facebook.com/ConroeCoffee
Clean Sweep Office Cleaning: cleansweepofficecleaning.com/
Centurion Wealth Advisors : www.centurionwa.net/
Sponsor MWLS: irlonestar.com/sponsormwls/
Email US: dick@irlonestar.com
This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit irlonestar.com/ for more information.

Listen to the FULL episode on podcast! Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes & Google Play podcast channels.

Mornings with Lone Star is SPONSORED By

Conroe Coffee

Clean Sweep Office Cleaning

Centurion Wealth Advisors

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