Texas Ticket

10.7.22 – Texas Ticket

The Texas Ticket Show presents “The HALLOWEEN SPECIAL” Join Armando Nino our host and Local Celebrity Co-Host Taylor Fulbright of BeLocal for The HALLOWEEN Episode with special guest JoJo Elizabeth of Corner Cravings https://thecornercravings.com/ 713-505-9059Also […]

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8.19.22 – Texas Ticket

Texas Ticket
Texas Ticket
8.19.22 – Texas Ticket

8.19.22 – Texas Ticket   Special Guests Jada England of BeLocal and Justin McNees OwnerTexas Boats and Outdoors   SEP 24 AT 12 AM – SEP 25 AT 9 AM On the Water Boat & […]

Texas Ticket

6.24.22 – “Hot Summer Nights” – Texas Ticket

6.24.22 – “Hot Summer Nights” – Texas Ticket TEXAS TICKET PRESENTS, “Hot Summer Nights” with your Host myself Armando Nino and stepping in as guest hosts Brandon Polk of Plus-Forty-Fitness , also a special quick visit from […]

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6.17.22 – Fathers Day Special – Texas Ticket

Texas Ticket
Texas Ticket
6.17.22 – Fathers Day Special – Texas Ticket

Fathers Day Special June 17th 1:00PM Texas Ticket is a Father ran and operated Show and is PROUD to HONOR the DAD in your Home and or Heart.  Join Us for our Fathers Day events […]