Starting a show is easy with Lone Star Community Radio. We serve the Montgomery County area by offering a free opportunity for volunteer hosts! Check out how to start your own show below.


  • The show must have some connection to Montgomery County,TX. Either in topics, mission or the volunteer lives in the area!

  • The show cannot have a political/religious connotation. This doesn’t mean the guest and topics can’t cover this area. Just that the show’s mission is based on political/religious direction.

  • The show follows the FCC and Non-profit guidelines.

  • The show is available for donation/sponsorship.


  • Lone Star Community Radio offers the use of its studio and engineer for FREE! We are a Community Radio/TV station after all!

  • Lone Star will host the podcast for free!


If you think your idea meets these requirements, then contact the studio at

Please note: All content created inside the LSCR studio will be owned and distributed through Lone Star Community Radio.

If you produce your own show/podcast in the area and looking for air play, we do have that opprotunity available! They still have the same requirements and there isn’t a charge for airplay!