Dawson Shibley – Conroe Baseball Coach
Dawson grew up in Conroe and played four years as a Varsity starter on the Conroe High School Baseball team. He went to The University of Mary-Hardin Baylor and played four years of college baseball. He returned to Conroe and os a first teacher and baseball coach. He discusses his passion and loyalty to Conroe baseball and how his career path drastically changed while in college.
Ryan Huston – Commerical Real Estate Broker
Ryan is a licensed Texas commercial real estate broker and Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), and the founder of Hutson Realty Partners, an entrepreneurial commercial real estate brokerage, investment, development, and advisory firm headquartered in Conroe. Prior to starting Hutson Realty Partners, Ryan worked for one of the largest, full-service commercial real estate companies in the Greater Houston area.
The Bridge Podcast Tx is on Every Tuesday at 11AM on www.irlonestar.com
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