9.13.18 – The Sky is Falling! The Sky is… Wait, No it Isn’t.

Dick and Skippy in the Morning
Dick and Skippy in the Morning
9.13.18 - The Sky is Falling! The Sky is... Wait, No it Isn't.

Kassie Laughlin, director of emergency management, and Victoria Endsley of the City of Conroe drop into the studio to let Dick and Skippy know about a couple of upcoming Emergency Preparedness Fairs happening on Sept 18 and Nov 3. Learn more at www.cityofconroe.org

This episode of Mornings with Lone Star is sponsored by
Conroe Coffee: www.facebook.com/ConroeCoffee
Clean Sweep Office Cleaning: cleansweepofficecleaning.com/
Jay Stittleburg for County Judge – www.jaystittleburg.com/
Sponsor MWLS: irlonestar.com/sponsormwls/
Email US: dick@irlonestar.com
This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit irlonestar.com/ for more information.