9.10.18 – Steve Scott – The Houston Business Coach

On today’s show we spoke with Steve Scott, The Houston Business Coach. Steve has been a business coach and writer for over 15 years. He uses his tremendous insight into a person’s abilities and needs to help his clients become the leaders necessary to build successful businesses. We talked about how to make and keep your business relevant and why this is so important and other topics that any business owner can use to build a stronger, more successful business.

In our “Did You Know” segment today we talked “Quick Tips on How to Improve Your Bookkeeping” Are you reviewing your monthly financial statements on a regular basis? You should if you want to build a solid long-lasting business. There are several other “should do’s” for your bookkeeping that will make the correct numbers available to you when you need to make a decision.

I closed the show with his 1bestconsult Tip of the Week “When was the Last Time Your Business was Threatened and Were You Prepared?” Disaster recovery plans work for storms, fires and other natural and man-made disasters. However, what about a landlord who raises your rent 50% or your largest customer takes their business elsewhere. Is your business ready to meet this type of threats? Listen and learn how every business can protect itself against these threats to their business.

Steve Scott Online: www.thehoustonbusinesscoach.com/
Steve Scott on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheHoustonBusinessCoach/

1bestconsult Online: 1bestconsult.com/
1bestconsult on Facebook: www.facebook.com/1bestconsult/
Email Rick: rick@irlonestar.com
Find TWBH on facebook: www.facebook.com/theweeklybusinesshour/
Visit Rick online: 1bestconsult.com/

This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit irlonestar.com/ for more information.

The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
9.10.18 - Steve Scott - The Houston Business Coach