8.4.20 – The BERLIN AIRLIFT – Veterans Air – Live on Lone Star Community Radio
DV Hawk Bike Raffle : https://www.facebook.com/jack.thomas.5205/posts/3020725061359612
Hawk’s Happy Haven Hobby Farm: https://www.facebook.com/TAPSTER69/
DV Tonya’s house: https://www.har.com/…/425-miramar-pl_SI…
Quilts For Vets (https://www.facebook.com/Quilts-for-Vets-1361073704060555/
LinMarie at (409) 656-5955 or email her at quiltsforvets2019@aol.com
The Berlin Candy Bomber: http://wigglywings.weebly.com/
H.R. 6168: https://www.govtrack.us/…/1…/hr6168/text
Major Medical Facility Authorization Act of 2020: https://www.congress.gov/…/3414/text/pl…
VA offers debt relief to Veterans through year’s end: https://www.blogs.va.gov/…/va-offers-d…/
VFW Opposes repeal of 48-hour review for Veterans Disability: VFW Magazine / August 2020/Page 8/by Dave Spiva.
Veterans claim transparency Act of 2020: https://www.congress.gov/…/senate-…/3761
Sponsor this show – lscrstudios@gmail.com
Check out past shows: https://irlonestar.com/va/
Check out our website: http://www.veteransair.us
Contact The Show: douglasb@VeteransAir.us
This show is owned and produced by Lone Star Community Radio. For more information on sponsorships and other shows, please visit them online at https://irlonestar.com