7.16.18 -Expense Reduction Analyst & Why Pappa Johns Pizza and its Founder Split Up?

The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
7.16.18 -Expense Reduction Analyst & Why Pappa Johns Pizza and its Founder Split Up?

Ted Leitch of Expense Reduction Analyst will join us to talk about getting the most out of your expenses. Businesses leave “money on the table” every day when they purchase the products and services they use in their business. Ted will share his expertise on how you should be getting more from less when it comes to the expense part of your P&L.

In our “Did You Know” segment today we will talk about “America Needs More Truck Drivers – Do You Know Why? Trucking as an industry does its best to run off its employees. No wonder America needs 60,000 more drivers to keep up with economic growth. Are you doing the same with your own business?

I will close the show with his 1bestconsult Tip of the Week, “Why Pappa Johns Pizza and its Founder Split Up?” Many times a business founder has a hard time with leaving “his/her baby” and the recent story of Pappa Johns Pizza shows what can happen when you stay too long. How to avoid the trap of turner your winner into a loser.

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