6.12.17 – TEACH-Transforming Education and Changing History and the Blackwood Gun Club – Conroe Culture

Guests included the leaders of TEACH- the purpose of Transforming Education and Changing History (TEACH) is to transform the culture of education to ensure that all students identify and nurture their natural talents so that they are equipped with skills necessary to contribute in a global society. We heard from Teresa Dossman and Debi Koch. Get involved by looking over their website.


http://www.imididoproject.org/ www.facebook.com/Imidido-Project-132336026883640


The Blackwood Gun Club has transformed to new owners-Jayme Netterville and Jeff Beardon. More than just a shooting range, The Blackwood Gun has expanded their services to add family events, leagues, lunch time events, date nights, family fun events, and safety classes.




Conroe Culture
Conroe Culture
6.12.17 - TEACH-Transforming Education and Changing History and the Blackwood Gun Club - Conroe Culture