5.21.18 – Springwood Marketing & Looney Law – The Weekly Business Hour

The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
5.21.18 - Springwood Marketing & Looney Law - The Weekly Business Hour

Ashley Easterwood, Marketing and Technical Communication Specialist and owner of Springwood Marketing, LLC joins again to update us on her business’s progress. She also offers a quick ABC course on how to improve the presence of your business in the digital world.

Adam Looney, attorney-at-law, joins us in the Expert Corner to discuss business entities. Changes in the law can make the choice more difficult when setting up a new business.

Rick closes out the show with his 1BestCosult.com Tip of the Week: “How to Get Useful Business Advice Quick and Easy.” How do you currently get business advice?(this assumes you ask for it!) Virtual reality and remote services have expanded into the world of business advice. Now you can get answers and information with a click of your mouse.

Springwood Marketing Online: www.springwoodsmarketing.com
Springwood Marketing on Facebook: www.facebook.com/springwoodmarket…g/?fref=mentions

Looney Law Online: www.looneylaw.com/
Looney Law on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Looneylawfirm/

1bestconsult Online: 1bestconsult.com/
1bestconsult on Facebook: www.facebook.com/1bestconsult/

This episode is sponsored by:
Alegre HR : www.alegrehr.com/
Email Rick: rick@irlonestar.com
This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit irlonestar.com/ for more information.