4.9.18 – ABC Senior Services & Looney Law – The Weekly Business Hour

The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Schissler
4.9.18 - ABC Senior Services & Looney Law - The Weekly Business Hour

Kelly Britton RD/LD, Owner Always Best Care Senior Services join us to talk about her business in the booming home care industry.

Adam Looney, Attorney-at-Law returns to our Expert Corner to about the law you need to know when buying or selling a business.

Rick closes out the show with his 1BestCosult.com Tip of the Week: “Growing Your Business from Day 1”. You need 3 resources to start and grow a successful business: capital; human resources; and a plan. Hear Rick offer his perspective on why these are the “big 3” and what they mean to every business.

Always Best Care Senior Services Online: www.alwaysbestcare.com/tx/woodlands-spring/
Always Best Care Senior Services on Facebook: m.facebook.com/abcthewoodlands/

Looney Law Online: www.looneylaw.com/
Looney Law on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Looneylawfirm

1bestconsult Online: 1bestconsult.com/
1bestconsult on Facebook: www.facebook.com/1bestconsult/

This episode is sponsored by:
Alegre HR : www.alegrehr.com/
Email Rick: rick@irlonestar.com
This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit irlonestar.com/ for more information.