3.27.18 – One Great Girl – Mornings with Lone Star

Special guest Cadie Darnell – a local student – joins Dick and Skippy’s guest host Nathan Arrrazate as she talks about her adventures flying an airplane and raising a pig. Folks, this is a heartwarming story you don’t want to miss. And to counterbalance the warm fuzzies, Skippy relates the tale of a real life Pet Semetary.


This episode of Mornings with Lone Star is sponsored by
Conroe Coffee: https://www.facebook.com/ConroeCoffee
Clean Sweep Office Cleaning: http://cleansweepofficecleaning.com/
Centurion Wealth Advisors : http://www.centurionwa.net/
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Email US: dick@irlonestar.com
This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio, visit https://irlonestar.com/ for more information.

Dick and Skippy in the Morning
Dick and Skippy in the Morning
3.27.18 - One Great Girl - Mornings with Lone Star