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First Segment:
Learn about the newest Pizza venue- Pizza Artista! A healthier Cajun Pizza option in Pizza offering over 80+ ingredients to choose from including Cajun ingredients and Seafood options.
Charlotte Emmerling is the franchise owner.
Second Segment:
Joe Haliti owns Joe’s Italian Restaurant in Conroe. Hear his story and his WHY of assisting so many organizations in our community.
Dariya Dashutina from Kharkov, Ukrania
and Katya Kuznetsova from Russia will be joining Joe as we learn more about the Ukrainian Crisis.
Today’s show is sponsored by Rodger Stein Chiropractic: https://rodgerssteinchiropractic.com/
Team Sinisi Real Estate Group
Check out past shows:https://irlonestar.com/conroeculture
Contact Margie: margie@taylorizedpr.com
This show is owned and produced by Lone Star Community Radio. For more information on sponsorships and other shows, please visit them online at https://irlonestar.com