2.15.23 – First Show – Audience of One

Audience of One Show
Audience of One Show
2.15.23 – First Show – Audience of One

2.15.23 – First Show – Audience of One


It is our first show! Let us know what you think!


Show Topics

Madonna’s FACE – 

China’s Balloon

Bryan Johnson – Becoming PERFECT

Super Bowl

Tom Brady & Aaron Rodgers


Audience of One with Andrew and Dick is LIVE every WEDNESDAY at 10AM on Lone Star Community Radio 


Support Audience of One  


For more information on the show visit https://irlonestar.com/aoo


Contact us today at audienceofoneshow@gmail.com



This show is owned and produced by Lone Star Community Radio. For more information on sponsorships and other shows, please visit them online at https://irlonestar.com