12.7.20 – Hello Woodlands & Montgomery County Library
Hear tips about how to get more results in Social Media and our local libraries are OPEN! Learn about what is going on!
Guests: Jennifer Bruse of Hello Woodlands
Devery Johnson, Outreach Coordinator for the Montgomery County Library System
Hear about the Christmas Boat Parade from Carrie Rainey and Janet Chavez.
Today’s show is sponsored by Rodger Stein Chiropractic: https://rodgerssteinchiropractic.com/
Check out past shows:https://irlonestar.com/conroeculture
Contact Margie: margie@taylorizedpr.com
This show is owned and produced by Lone Star Community Radio. For more information on sponsorships and other shows, please visit them online at https://irlonestar.com
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