12.20.17 – Justice is Blonde Welcomes Rob Freyer and Nicole Czajkoski

Justice is blonde returns to recap on the trial of injured hero Conroe police officer with Chief Prosecutor Rob “Agg Rob” Freyer.

DWI and marijuana laws are evolving. Attorney Andrea Kolski also welcomes Nicole Czajkoski to review 2017 changes in Criminal Law. Tune in and hear these guests talk about all things that make Texas great and why marijuana is still more illegal than ever and how you may qualify to get a DWI removed from your record!

Don’t miss Justices Is Blonde, Every Wednesday at 2pm on https://irlonestar.com/

More info on Andrea can be found here: https://www.nonstopjustice.com/

Don’t forget to check out the rest of Justice is Blonde here: https://irlonestar.com/jib

Justice Is Blonde - With Andrea Kolski
Justice Is Blonde - With Andrea Kolski
12.20.17 - Justice is Blonde Welcomes Rob Freyer and Nicole Czajkoski