12.15.17 – Nyet Neutrality – Mornings with Lone Star

Dick and Skippy in the Morning
Dick and Skippy in the Morning
12.15.17 - Nyet Neutrality - Mornings with Lone Star

By golly if Skippy and Dick haven’t made it to another Friday! The morning duo wrap up the week with commentary about the rush of Star Wars vaguebookers (those sub-humans who give “non-spoiler” spoilers), a reminder to choose your healthcare today, the upcoming royal wedding, and a local bank robber who got away on a scooter… the FOOT-POWERED type.

This episode of Mornings with Lone Star is sponsored by
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Clean Sweep Office Cleaning: http://cleansweepofficecleaning.com/
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Email US: dick@irlonestar.com
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