11.2.17 – Did Someone Play a Game Last Night? – Mornings with Lone Star

Dick and Skippy welcome special guest Leo (from Conroe Coffee) to break down last night’s unprecedented win of the World Series by the Houston Astros. For the non-sports fans, Skippy talks about the unveiling of the Victoria’s Secret “fantasy bra” that costs $2 million. And in a desperate attempt to get serious, the trio talk about the GOP tax plan that was released during the show.


This episode of Mornings with Lone Star is sponsored by

Conroe Coffee: https://www.facebook.com/ConroeCoffee

Clean Sweep Office Cleaning: http://cleansweepofficecleaning.com/


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Email US: dick@irlonestar.com

This show is produced and copyrighted by Lone Star Community Radio

Dick and Skippy in the Morning
Dick and Skippy in the Morning
11.2.17 - Did Someone Play a Game Last Night? - Mornings with Lone Star