11.11.19 – Dick and Skippy in the Mornings – Cory de la Guardia

Dick and Skippy in the Morning
Dick and Skippy in the Morning
11.11.19 - Dick and Skippy in the Mornings - Cory de la Guardia

Special Guest at 10AM: Cory de la Guardia of Nerd Thug Radio



Today’s show is partnered with
Bean Punk Coffee: https://www.facebook.com/ConroeCoffee/
Clean Sweep Office Cleaning: http://www.cleansweepofficecleaning.com/
C3 Production: http://fatcatwebproductions.com/SeanThompsonEnterprises/
Check out past shows:https://irlonestar.com/dickandskippy
Contact Dick & Skippy: dickandskippy@gmail.com
Text/Call Dick and Skippy at (936) 228-9368‬
This show is owned and produced by Lone Star Community Radio. For more information on sponsorships and other shows, please visit them online at https://irlonestar.com