1.5.21 – Chamber Chat

Chamber Chat - Lake Conroe/Conroe Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Chat - Lake Conroe/Conroe Chamber of Commerce
1.5.21 - Chamber Chat
Special guest today
Jennifer Allen with TransMed Center
Brenda J. Banegas, USTMAX Center
Chamber Chat is a monthly program featuring Courtney Galle and Brian Bondy with the Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber of Commerce as your hosts.
They invite Chamber members into the studio to talk about their upcoming events and businesses/organizations. Make sure to tune on the first Tuesday of the month to stay current on what is happening at The Chamber!
Want to be a guest? Contact Courtney at courtneyg@conroe.org.
Listen Live or enjoy past episodes at https://irlonestar.com/cc/
Join the Chamber: https://www.conroe.org/
Check out past shows: https://irlonestar.com/cc/
Contact The Show: info@conroe.org
This show is owned and produced by Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber Of Commerce.